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  • Virgi from Argentina

    Virgi from Argentina0

    Hi, I’m Virgi from Buenos Aires, Argentina I have taken these pictures the first week of September. We have been in quarantine for 25 weeks already, starting March 19. Everyone feels quite tired and frustrated. Quarantine started at a very early stage of the Covid-19 outbreack. Schools have been closed since March 16 and children

  • Nadine from South Africa

    Nadine from South Africa0

    HI there, I’m Nadine from Randburg in South Africa with a Trip from a Quiet Street in Randburg to a Usually Bustling Discovery Building in Sandton (City of Johannesburg). Leaving home there isn’t a person or car in sight. Walking onto one of the bigger roads, still very quiet. Even the local petrol station and

  • Mundraub bei verschlossener Wohnung

    Mundraub bei verschlossener Wohnung0

    Jemand dringt in meine Wohnung ein, nachdem er irgendwie Schlafgas in mein Wohnzimmer brachte:

  • Nice person from South Korea

    Nice person from South Korea0

    Impressions from South Korea See how empty the Incheon international airport is. This place is usually bubbling with people travelling for the summer holiday. Everyone is masked up. It is now against the law to go out without a face mask. Different organizations have the thermometer that checks the temperature of everyone before entering the

  • Whatsname in Munich

    Whatsname in Munich0

    No restrictions of wearing masks in public and some alcohol in the evening and there is trouble:

  • Aufblasbare Bierzelte

    Aufblasbare Bierzelte0

    Kinder und Betrunkene haben Schutzengel und tun sich nie weh!

  • Wessam from Israel

    Wessam from Israel0

    Hi, my name is Wessam and I’m from occupied Palestine and every thing has been changed after this hard situation, there are no jobs and everything is paused.

  • Der Vorfahre aller Säuger war eine intelligente Maus.

    Der Vorfahre aller Säuger war eine intelligente Maus.0

    Mal einen Moment nachgedacht:

  • Suza from Nepal

    Suza from Nepal0

    Hello there, I’m Suza from Nepal. Every store and roads were closed, cause we’re are still locked inside. Here are some pictures from my hometown. Some woman stand in line, keeping distance, in front of a Medical-Care shop, which is open. Childred playing on patio, wearing masks. A shrine, all other is closed. No customers,

  • Sofia from Uruguay

    Sofia from Uruguay0

    Hey how are you? My Name is Sofia from Montevideo city and I have taken this photos during these days. I tell you a little about them ☺️ my country is Uruguay. The one with the red seats, I took it during my bus trip, shows how few people travel on the bus. The second

  • Esther in France

    Esther in France0

    France introduced one of the strictest lockdowns in Europe at the start of the pandemic, causing the number of corona cases to drop rapidly. From March 16, people were only allowed to move outside within a radius of 1 kilometer from their home address and you had to carry a form with you on which

  • Sleepless in Schlachthofviertel

    Sleepless in Schlachthofviertel0

    After I wrote a friend of mine that “I’m living in Schlachthofviertel in Munich” and “Sleepless in Schlachthofviertel” doesn’t sound so romantic as “Sleepless in Seattle”, she wrote back: “I had to ask Google Translate to pronounce your location :D” Funny thing, isn’t it? The word: “Schlachthofviertel” – sticked together, like all longer words in

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