Due to the pandemic persons are see waiting in lines to collect their remittances sent from love ones. Usually, you could walk in and conduct any of your businesses. As seen in the photo most of the persons are adhearing to the rules by staying 3 feet apart and wearing of masks. Persons are seen

Due to the pandemic persons are see waiting in lines to collect their remittances sent from love ones. Usually, you could walk in and conduct any of your businesses. As seen in the photo most of the persons are adhearing to the rules by staying 3 feet apart and wearing of masks.

Persons are seen waiting in lines to enter the bank to transact their businesses. Even though the markers are there, they ignore the signs totally. Some persons are seen wearing their masks while others are still not adhearing to the rules set out by the Government.

It is mandatory to wear a mask, temperature checked when attending any function. As seeing in the photo above persons are adhering to the rules.

This is the entrance to the market, before the vivid pandemic, the market would be buzzing with activities. Nowadays, due to pandemic persons are rarely seen shopping freely and are trying to stay safe at all times.

Persons seen here going about their daily business in parts of the town, however, on like this in the town, it would be buzzing with activities with motorists, pedestrians, and different types of vendors. As observing, few persons are seen in their masks while others don’t.

Due to the pandemic, persons are not allowed to enter the supermarket without masks, hands sanitized and their temperature checked as seeing in the photo.

Persons wearing their masks and waiting in line to get their temperature checked and hands sanitize to enter the supermarket.
It’s me, Carla Boyd at fiverr – Take care of yourselves at corona time!
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