Greyce from Canada

Greyce from Canada

Hi, my name is Greyce. And this is my experience as a Canadien during the COVID19 pandemic.

Hi, my name is Greyce. And this is my experience as a Canadien during the COVID19 pandemic. I have self quarantine this whole time because all of the members of my family are high risk so here are a few photos of some adjustments i’ve had to make due to the pandemic.

Greyce fiverr

This is a photo of me at my computer doing schoolwork. Since coronavirus has closed schools, we are forced to work from home now with an application called Google Classroom.

Greyce fiverr

This is a picture of my weights. Since coronavirus has shut down gyms I had to find a way at home to exercise. I have been using these weights go get my physical activity in during this pandemic. Physical activity is a necessity during this time because it helps you stay healthy and loose some stress.

Greyce fiverr

Here is a photo of my mask. If I ever have to go to the store this is the mask I wear to keep me and others around me safe.

Greyce fiverr

This is a picture of my dog. Pets are a huge help during the pandemic. They truly help your mental health and im very glad to have him here.

Greyce fiverr

This is a photo of my local grocery store. Due to the pandemic, public places have has to take extra precautions to keep everyone healthy. This is their precaution.

Greyce fiverr

This is a photo of testing of COVID19 from where im from. A necessary procedure to keep everyone safe


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