Alex from Ukraine

Alex from Ukraine

Hi, I’m Alex from Ukraine. Want to show you few pictures how coronavirus has affected my country. Up to today, 11th September 2020, there have been 148 756 cases, with 3076 deaths, 67005 recoveries and 78675 active cases. You need to wear a mask inside of any transport. The driver has to wear it as

Hi, I’m Alex from Ukraine. Want to show you few pictures how coronavirus has affected my country. Up to today, 11th September 2020, there have been 148 756 cases, with 3076 deaths, 67005 recoveries and 78675 active cases.

Covid-19 Ukraine
Olllen fiverr

You need to wear a mask inside of any transport. The driver has to wear it as well.

Covid-19 Ukraine
Olllen fiverr

You will find SEPARATE store shelves inside of ANY supermarket with different antiseptics and masks.

Covid-19 Ukraine
Olllen fiverr

You will find SEPARATE store shelves inside of ANY supermarket with different antiseptics and masks.

Covid-19 Ukraine
Olllen fiverr

There are floor markings in the hospital reminding people about distance.

Covid-19 Ukraine
Olllen fiverr

There is a reminder to sanitize hands when entering a shop, all cashiers wear masks and are protected by glass stand.

Covid-19 Ukraine
Olllen fiverr

At school you can find sanitizers and reminders about it as well as how to utilize used masks and a special bin for it.


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