I am still standing

I am still standing

Don’t you know I’m still standing better than I ever did –
Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid –
I’m still standing after all this time –
Picking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind – I’m still standing (Yeah, yeah, yeah) – by Elton John

In a physics forum it was about representing speed.

v = s/t.

Velocity is the distance travelled divided by time elapsed. (v – speed; s – distance; t – time).


The higher the value (v), the faster the distance travelled.

30 km in 1h is slower than 50 km in 1h - 50 km per hour means a higher speed.
30 km in 1h is slower than 50 km in 1h – 50 km per hour means a higher speed.

Since one participant in this discussion made a mistake with the formula and interchanged s and t, he did not represent the speed.

The reverse would be the time spent while travelling: v = t/s.

Here v is the time consumed for the distance travelled.


The higher this value (v), the slower the distance was covered.

1/30 = 0.033333... is greater than 1/50 = 0.02 and this first path-time represents a slower speed as the second.
1/30 = 0.033333… is greater than 1/50 = 0.02 and this first path-time represents a slower speed as the second.

For an object at rest (distance travelled = 0) this means a division by ZERO and this is not defined.

Surely, this means that you should always be in motion, otherwise you don’t exist or mathematically you are simply infinity like a black hole!

In the example above, you can use 30km/0h, but it is physically wrong. Because you cannot travel from a to b in ZERO time. You always need a time. Since the speed of light is the fastest speed, there is no need to think about it: it is simply not physically feasible. In the example below, however, you can use ZERO. Because you can sit, lie or stand for an hour.

Funny thing, mathematics sometimes. Isn’t it?

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