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  • 3-in-1 package wedding

    3-in-1 package wedding0

    He went out and came back after a second or two and brought some little things.

  • Game of Thrones

    Game of Thrones0

    Beug dein Knie!

  • 8 things that Europe surprises me

    8 things that Europe surprises me0

    So within 1000€ I visited 14 cities in 6 weeks.

  • Venezolana in Peru

    Venezolana in Peru0

    Hi there, I’m a venezolana living in Peru. These are my impressions from corona impact here in Lima, Peru. Despite the risks, people do not stop shopping and spend hours in queues. Lima Peru A normal day in downtown Lima, Peru. We are the fifth country with the most infected despite all the measures taken.

  • Adónis from Mozambique

    Adónis from Mozambique0

    Hi, this is Adónis, bringing you a quick peak at how Maputo City (Mozambique’s capital) is doing today, September 15th, during the Covid-19 pandemic. As cases were slowly starting to rise all around the country new rules were implemented to try and reduce the speed at which the virus was spreading. The usage of masks,

  • Mogo from Chad

    Mogo from Chad0

    Hello, I’m Mogo from CHAD . I am an antrepreneur and a freelancer living in N’djamena Chad. Below are some pictures taken by me to show my impressions from Coronavirus days in Chad . Chad has 1012 confirmed cases, 878 recovered and 77 deaths attributed to COVID-19 within its borders as of August 30, 2020.

  • Egemen from Turkey

    Egemen from Turkey0

    Hello, I’m Egemen from Turkey .I am an instagramer (@egementash) and an amateur photographer living in İstanbul  . You can see  my impressions from Corona  days in İstanbul and Bursa ( another city near İstanbul) . People try to keep living their normal lives during these unusual days.  People have to wear mask both inside and outside.

  • Alex from Ukraine

    Alex from Ukraine0

    Hi, I’m Alex from Ukraine. Want to show you few pictures how coronavirus has affected my country. Up to today, 11th September 2020, there have been 148 756 cases, with 3076 deaths, 67005 recoveries and 78675 active cases. You need to wear a mask inside of any transport. The driver has to wear it as

  • Planetenfressende Monster in unserem Sonnensystem

    Planetenfressende Monster in unserem Sonnensystem0

    Das würde auch den fehlenden Planeten zwischen Mars und Jupiter erklären:

  • Maliki B. Konneh From Liberia

    Maliki B. Konneh From Liberia0

    Less Numbers of people Attended Funeral services. National competition during the covid 19 in Liberia. Orange donate to the less privileged. Robert International Airport Shutdown During covid 19. Social organization take initiative to clean around coastal area. Students Observe social Distancing during National flag day. Worker obseved social distancing.

  • Kimberly from Malta

    Kimberly from Malta0

    Hello, I’m Kimberly from Malta and I am attaching some photos of how coronavirus has affected the tiny island of Malta. Up to today, Sunday 6th September 2020, there have been 2039 cases, with 1627 recoveries and 14 deaths. The total number of active cases until today is 398 cases. Retail shops have floor markings

  • Liz from Mexico

    Liz from Mexico0

    Hi I’m Liz from Mexico with some pictures from my country. This picture was taken outside an outdoor ice cream shop where there aren’t that many people out and about and if they are, they´re all wearing a mask. This picture is at a local Mexican food restaurant and there is a sign that obligates

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