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  • Citlallic from Mexico

    Citlallic from Mexico0

    Hello, my name is Citlallic. I show you how Covid-19 is affecting Mexico. Man staring at Zocalo with protest behind him Face mask in front of closed Bellas Artes (Art Building closed) Man waiting for street food with many people without protection, around him. Food to carry out Ways to protect bussines of covid People

  • Singapore is one of the cleanest and safest cities/countries I​ have ever visited.

    Singapore is one of the cleanest and safest cities/countries I​ have ever visited.0

    I had to be careful how I spent my money.

  • Jakub from Poland

    Jakub from Poland0

    Hi there, I am Jakub from Poland. As you can see, in Poland now is very small amount of people, because they’re scared about COVID-19. My mum which is working in mall is surprised there are no customers. Small numbers of people are visible, however, people mostly go out to the shops for main purposes.

  • Zahori Cosplay from Guatemala

    Zahori Cosplay from Guatemala0

    Hi, I’m Zahori Cosplay from Guatemala and I show you here the impact from Covid-19 to my country. ES: Al ingresar al residencial se coloca la huella y tiene gel para limpiarse las mano, al igual que implementaron un sistema que desinfecta la parte externa del auto.EN: The access of many residential has been modificated

  • San Ya from Pakistan

    San Ya from Pakistan0

    My name is San Ya. I am a student and freelancer . I am from a town located in Islamabad The Pakistan Capital. The Covid-19 Pandemix has wreaked havoc on overall economies worldwide and completely changed the lifestyle of people across the world including Pakistan. It has upended life as we know it. The Prime

  • Roua Yaiich from Tunisia

    Roua Yaiich from Tunisia0

    Hello, this is Roua Yaiich, a student from Tunisia. Here are my impressions from my Country. People are waiting outside the post office in line People inside the post office waiting in line and wearing their masks. Student in the faculty half of them didn’t come to study because of the COVID-19 The antibacterial become

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