Thunderbölt and lightning, very, very frightening me!
Galileö, Galileö, Galileö – Figarö, magnificö-ö-ö-ö-öööö!
If Lemmy from Motörhead would sing “Oops!… I Did It Again”
Ööps, I did it again
I played with yöur heart, göt löst in the game
Öh baby, baby
Ööps, you think I'm in löve
That I'm sent fröm aböve
I'm nöt that innöcent
If Lemmy from Motörhead would sing “Bohemian Rhapsody”
I see a little silhöuettö öf a man Scaramöuche, Scaramöuche, will yöu dö the Fandangö? Thunderbölt and lightning, very, very frightening me Galileö, Galileö, Galileö - Figarö, magnificö-ö-ö-ö-öööö Will nöt let yöu gö Nö, nö, nö, nö, nö, nö, nö Öh, mamma mia, mamma mia Mamma mia, let me gö
If Lemmy from Motörhead would sing “Rolling in the Deep”
We cöuld′ve had it all, yöu're gönna wish yöu
Never had met me
Rölling in the deep, tears are gönna fall
Rölling in the deep
Yöu had my heart inside, yöu′re gönna wish yöu
Öf yöur hands, never had met me
And yöu played it, tears are gönna fall
Tö the beat, rölling in the deep
What he sung: Motörhead – “Back at the Funny Farm”
Hammer pöunding in my heart, I think it's gönna burst
Spring unwinding in my head, I dön't knöw which is wörse
I hear yöu talking but the wörds are kinda strange
Öne öf us is crazy and the öther öne's insane
Stay calm, dön't be alarmed
It's just a höliday
Back at the funny farm!
Nöthing in this cöld white rööm tö help me recögnise
I dön't understand why everyöne is in disguise
I götta leave right nöw, I can't stay here nö möre
But I'm afraid tö try in case they löck the döör
Stay calm, dön't be alarmed
It's just a höliday
Back at the funny farm
Can't find nö windöws but I götta get öutside
Can yöu help me stand? It feels like böth my legs have died
What was that injectiön? 'Cös I think it's göing wröng
I really like this jacket but the sleeves are much töö löng
Stay calm, dön't be alarmed
It's just a höliday
Back at the funny farm
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