There is something that has been on everyone’s agenda lately and its use is becoming increasingly common. I’m talking about artificial intelligence. For some people, it’s a big revolution. It is an innovation that has already made our lives much easier. If artificial intelligence is used for good purposes, it seems to be a very

There is something that has been on everyone’s agenda lately and its use is becoming increasingly common. I’m talking about artificial intelligence. For some people, it’s a big revolution. It is an innovation that has already made our lives much easier. If artificial intelligence is used for good purposes, it seems to be a very useful tool for humanity. Some people who say that it will affect every aspect of life in the future and make our lives easier in every field. Of course, the opposite of this situation is also true. On the other hand, there are people who are afraid of artificial intelligence and even think that there will be machines that will take over the world in the future and that there will be a war between humans and artificial intelligence. I think  the movies made so far can be effective. It contributes a lot to thoughts. Imagine that we live in a world like in the Terminator movie or that we are batteries for the energy of machines like in the Matrix movie. When you think about it, it seems really scary. But 50 years ago, there were hundreds or even thousands of people who thought that today’s technology would harm us.

Recently, I have been reading different articles about the use of artificial intelligence. I am learning many new things. For example, when we search for a product or buy something on the internet, products recommended to us or purchased by other customers appear immediately on the page. Artificial intelligence does these. It analyzes customers’ behavior and makes suggestions.

It has also begun to be widely used in the medical field. Artificial intelligence also helps doctors diagnose diseases. It detects abnormal conditions by analyzing medical results and provides early diagnosis of some diseases.

A technology company has developed an incredible artificial intelligence program in recent years. With this program, it easily diagnoses eye disorders in children and ensures that these diseases can be treated before they cause blindness. Isn’t it amazing?

By using artificial intelligence in more and more areas in the field of education, it both develops self-learning skills and makes life a little easier, especially for disabled people. For example, there is a free smartphone application to help deaf children learn to read. This application helps deaf children learn to read by translating text into sign language.

It is also very helpful in learning languages. As a language teacher for 25 years, I recommend artificial intelligence to my students. For example, when learning a language from the basics, you can start with common sentences and simple greetings. You can give a simple scenario to artificial intelligence. For example, ordering coffee or asking for directions.

Besides all this, I wondered what the negative effects of people who think artificial intelligence are harmful might be in the future, and the results I found are not good at all. Here are some of these results:

Increasing unemployment rate, increasing apathy, people becoming lazy, decreasing creativity, privacy violations, easy obtaining of information that is difficult to access and inconvenient for ordinary people to use, with artificial intelligence.

Considering these, I still think that artificial intelligence is a very good development, but I hope there will be some obstacles and rules about its bad use.


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