I was born and raised in a very beautiful place in Turkey.  The name of this beautiful city is Bursa. It is a city in the northwest of Turkey in the Marmara region, very close to Istanbul. Its soil, air, water, everything is so beautiful that hundreds of local and foreign tourists visit Bursa every

I was born and raised in a very beautiful place in Turkey.  The name of this beautiful city is Bursa. It is a city in the northwest of Turkey in the Marmara region, very close to Istanbul. Its soil, air, water, everything is so beautiful that hundreds of local and foreign tourists visit Bursa every year. But not only people visit this beautiful city. Storks have been visiting a village in Bursa every year on their migration route.

They are so loved that the people of the village have even given names to the storks. The most famous one is ‘Yaren’ which means friend in Old Turkish.Although the name of the village is Eskikaraağaç, everyone knows this village as Stork Village because Stork Village was chosen by the European Nature Foundation in 2011. The storks, which come every year in March, stay in their nests here until September. The bird watching tower and the nature museum are among the most entertaining and informative places for tourists.If you decide to go to this village, the fishermen in the lake are very helpful for small sightseeing tours.

It was very exciting for me to watch the storks feeding on fish and snakes on the lake shore. If you watch until the end of the video I added, you can watch the feeding of the storks.

The village is in the form of a peninsula. There are photographs of storks on the walls of every house. Village people are very friendly. There are signs “Beware storks may come out” on the roads.

You can find very nice breakfast places in the village. There are flavors for fish that you can try without thinking.


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