In İstanbul 6 brilliant high school students made a project about future technology flying cars.



I really like technology. I try to follow new technological events in the world. People could not imagine these days maybe 100 years ago but nowadays we are able to think much. Our dreams may come true in the near future. 

I never say never 🙂

Everything is possible. Nowadays people try to get used to electric cars and sustainable energy. Drones also become a part of our lives. Now my question is this.

Can you imagine flying cars?

I mean one day can our cars fly instead of going on the roads? In İstanbul 6 brilliant high school students made a project about future technology flying cars. One of them is my son Egemen. They set up a team; The magnet mode. Their project is quite different from drone technology. They called “Magnetic Levitation” to it.  I made an interview with Egemen one of the members of The magnet mode team”. Their creativity and designs tell us a lot about future technology.


Egemen summarizes their vision as  to shape the future in fields related to transportation, energy, technology and space. We want to create a new transportation ecosystem both on Earth and Mars which will increase mobility drastically, decrease cost, accidents, and traffic forever. They always make brainstorming about their flying car project. Egemen is in the designing part. He tries to create 3D designs, concept design and aerodynamics , Engine and hardware ,video designs (advertising, social media etc.) , photo designs (advertising, social media etc.) are also among his interests. He says they always think as a team and attend some congress and trains with all the members. One of the most important congress which was held in İstanbul is Air-Taxi. Air-Taxi is a congress attended by many entrepreneurial companies and investors, where they both exchange information with presentations and aim to receive investments and earn profits from all sides.


The group members are too young to design such a high-tech product. This is mostly an advantage for them. They can take many firms attentions but sometimes their age can make things difficult to enter the activities. In some places, the age limit may be 18.Their future plans are to successfully establish a company and find investors. They attended air taxi world congresses there Rolls Royce, THY, Boeing, Air Car, Baykar Tech and much more for searching a network there.


In near future we may hear their names in many success stories. I add their LinkedIn and Instagram information.

I always believe that youth will create the future.


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