Jakub from Poland

Jakub from Poland

Hi there, I am Jakub from Poland. As you can see, in Poland now is very small amount of people, because they’re scared about COVID-19. My mum which is working in mall is surprised there are no customers. Small numbers of people are visible, however, people mostly go out to the shops for main purposes.

Hi there, I am Jakub from Poland. As you can see, in Poland now is very small amount of people, because they’re scared about COVID-19. My mum which is working in mall is surprised there are no customers. Small numbers of people are visible, however, people mostly go out to the shops for main purposes. Since our government announced new restrictions, the number of people on the streets has decreased significantly.

Covid-19 Poland
Kubsub fiverr

No people in the shops right now.

Covid-19 Poland
Kubsub fiverr

Less visitors, normaly crowded business.

Covid-19 Poland
Kubsub fiverr

In shops also few visitors.

Covid-19 Poland
Kubsub fiverr

Very less visitors at cinema because of corona-times.

Covid-19 Poland
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Nearly empty restaurants.

Covid-19 Poland
Kubsub fiverr

Less people, little business.

Covid-19 Poland
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A line of people, waiting for some service.

Covid-19 Poland
Kubsub fiverr

Even on a normal workday, there is little traffic and only few people on the streets.


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