• Dinkum


    What you perceive to be an insult is probably someone being super friendly. Just smile!

  • What do Turkish people drink?

    What do Turkish people drink?0

    Each country has its own unique drinks. I think the choice of beverage reflects the character of that country. Do you think the drinks are determined by the geography of the country? There is a wide variety of traditional drinks in Turkey. Let’s get to know these drinks. Maybe one day you will pass by

  • Great tastes of street food

    Great tastes of street food0

    Turkish cuisine is known as gastronomy center. When you think of Turkish food, people usually think of kebabs, but sometimes you find the most special flavors on the street, not in the restaurant. Street flavors have an important place in the culinary culture in Turkey as well as in the rest of the world. I

  • Iguazú Falls: stunning natural beauty

    Iguazú Falls: stunning natural beauty2

    This meant we could see the falls while we were checking in!

  • From UK to Oz. Part 6

    From UK to Oz. Part 61

    The sand was like something I had never felt before. As you walked on it – it squeaked. It was so fine, just like the sand in an egg timer. Truly beautiful.

  • From UK to Oz. Part 5

    From UK to Oz. Part 52

    It is unadvisable to drive on the roads in Australia after dark, as this is the time when bulls, cows, kangaroos etc decide that the highway is the place to be.